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LADO Néptáncegyüttes


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LADO Néptáncegyüttes


Horvátország legismertebb folklór együttese.

Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske - LADO


Ansambl narodnih plesova i pjesama Hrvatske LADO, profesionalni je folklorni ansambl, osnovan 1949. godine sa zadaćom i ciljem istraživanja, prikupljanja, umjetničke obrade i scenskog prikazivanja najljepših primjera bogate hrvatske glazbene i plesne tradicije. 

Sve to, uz čudesno bogatstvo i raznolikost folklornog izraza na tako malom prostoru kao što je Hrvatska, čini LADO jedinstvenim u svijetu, što je prepoznala i publika u brojnim svjetskim koncertnim dvoranama u kojima je LADO nastupao: od Royal Albert Hall-a u Londonu, City Centre-a u New Yorku, preko Mann Auditoriuma u Tel Avivu i Sydney Town Hall-a pa sve do 20-ak vrhunskih koncertnih dvorana u Japanu, gdje je Ladovih 27 koncerata, tijekom petotjedne turneje u 2006. godini, oduševljeno gledalo više od 50 tisuća ljudi.  



LADO - National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia


LADO, the National Folk Dance Ensemble of Croatia, was founded in 1949 in Zagreb as a professional national ensemble, with the aim of researching, artistically interpreting and presenting on stage the most beautiful examples of the rich traditions of Croatian music and dance. 

The ensemble’s 36 brilliant dancers, who are also excellent singers, can easily transform this folk dance ensemble into an impressive folk choir, while its 15 superb musicians play some fifty different traditional and classical instruments. LADO is often called a “Dancing Museum” because of priceless and beautiful authentic national costumes (more than 1,200 costumes) some of which are more than 100 years old. 

LADO has performed in prestigious concert halls all over the world.

LADO has received many awards and recognition for its work as well as merit for its preservation of Croatia’s national heritage and artistic creation.

Hasonló programok

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    Kapcsolódó galériák

    Kapcsolódó hírek
